Our Team: Partners
Cetacea Contracting, Blue Whale Project
Cetacea is a small, family-run company specializing in skeleton restoration and articulation and will be leading the preparation of the Noyo Center’s 73-foot blue whale skeleton. They lead the field in the world of modern artistic skeleton articulations, building displays that breathe life, portraying subjects as they would exist in the natural world.
CA Academy of Sciences, Marine Mammal Stranding Network
Located in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco, California Academy of Sciences is California’s oldest operating museum and research institution for the natural sciences, housing one of the largest natural history collections in the world. CAS is authorized under the Marine Mammal Protection Act to respond to all deceased marine mammals along the San Francisco, Marin, Sonoma, and southern Mendocino county coasts. As their designee organization in Mendocino, the Noyo Center is helping fill an important gap in our understanding of marine mammal health and range shifts due to a changing climate.
Mendocino College, Marine Science Program
Mendocino College is looking at ways to grow their Marine Science Program, including at their Coast Campus in Fort Bragg and in the Noyo Harbor. The Noyo Center is working to provide dock and wet lab space for marine scientists and students in the harbor.
City of Fort Bragg
The Noyo Center for Marine Science grew out of public and municipal efforts to diversify and revitalize the economy and community of Fort Bragg as the former Georgia-Pacific Mill Site redevelopment began. In 2006 the City polled the community as to what they wanted on the Mill Site. First was coastal access. Second was a Marine Science facility. The City gave the Noyo Center 11 acres on the headlands for the facility. In 2016 Fort Bragg citizens voted to provide the Noyo Center a portion of Fort Bragg’s TOT (Transient Occupancy Tax, or Bed Tax).
West Business Development Center
West Center educates and advocates for small business so that local entrepreneurs receive the information they need to launch and expand their business.
Sherwood Valley Band of Pomo Indians
Sherwood Valley Rancheria is located within aboriginal homelands they have used and occupied since time immemorial. Their homeland extends from approximately the Hwy 101 corridor, through the Redwood Forests, on to the Coast.
Flockworks, Art and Science Initiatives
Flockworks is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization successfully supporting community creativity and local arts initiatives since 2006. We mobilize resources, talents and time, as a ‘platform’ for leadership by community artists to support collaborative art and creative initiatives. We add visibility, vibrancy and access to local arts through exhibits, events, public art, hands-on experiences and collective efforts. We see art and creativity as everyone’s birthright and actively reach out to those with little access to creative opportunities. We believe creative threads tie us together as a community, and positively shape our culture.
Mendocino Eco Artists
Creatively Supporting the Environment
Surfrider Foundation, Mendocino Chapter
California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Some of the photographs on this website were generously donated by two professional photographers, Ron LeValley and Marc Shargel. Their photos can be purchased directly from their respective websites, and will eventually be for sale at the Noyo Center gift shop. Additionally, many of Ron’s photos can be purchased at Mendocino Coast Photographers Guild and Gallery at 357 Franklin Street in Fort Bragg. We strongly encourage you to browse their impressive photo libraries. Many thanks to both of them for all the work they do.