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Noyo Center Science Talk: Coastal Geology: Zoom Program

The Geologic History of the Northern California Coastline 

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Guest Presenter: Nicole Myers
Sonoma State university

The Northern California coastline was located far east of its current location and has very slowly migrated westward as the North American continent slowly grows. While the dinosaurs walked the Earth a deep ocean trench and volcanic eruptions marked the edge of California, until the formation of the San Andreas tectonic boundary created geologic complexity along the western edge of the continent. As the coastline rose out of the sea and sea levels fluctuated, ocean circulation evolved as climate continued to relentlessly change. The rocks tell the story of the rise and fall of islands, ancient volcanism, forming faults, and evolving ecosystems. Join geologist Nicole Myers to explore the geologic history of the Northern California coastline and learn how the rocks, tectonic plates, faults, ocean waters, and life have evolved for hundreds of millions of years.

Nicole Myers, M.S. in Geological Sciences, developed a passion for understanding the Earth from a childhood fascination with rocks and volcanoes, and now teaches others to appreciate planet Earth. Nicole has been teaching Earth science classes, including geology, climatology, & Earth history for more than 18 years. She currently teaches at Sonoma State University, and through Appreciating Earth ( Nicole brings her enthusiasm to the community by offering Earth science field explorations and presentations. 

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